Credits & Acknowledgements
This site is not the work of any one person. Many have contributed knowingly or
unknowingly to this project. This site, intended to be just a site focusing on Rahul Dev
Burman's Bangla work, has ended up having a hell of a lot of other material. Any
suggestion, correction or contribution to the material on the site will be gratefully accepted
and acknowledged.
My sincerest gratitude to :
 | Rashesh Shah & Viswas Nerurkar
...for commissioning and compiling the greatest book
ever - the bible to the Pancham fanatic.
 | Saurav Chakravarty |
...Saurav C as we call him in the Pancham Yahoogroup, who dumped his RD
Bangla collection at my house and preferred
to live on food & fresh air instead.
... & for every type of support short of help. :-)
 | Sourav Majumdar : |
...(Sourav M in the Yahoogroup) for his thorough knowledge of RDB's bangla
works and his contacts
 | Vinay P. Jain |
...for his help in all matters relating to web-site designing and hosting
...for his fascinating web-site which was a source of inspiration and
...for egging me on
 | Shashi Rao : |
..who can read only three words in Bangla script "Rahul Dev
Burman" - but knows all the details of RDB's Bengali work like the back of his hand.
... for arranging the Nerurkar book for me & for Saurav C, without
which you would have encountered blank pages on this site.
... for knowing Nerurkar's book inside out & sideways as well.
"Shacyclopedia"...that's the name I've coined for him.
 | Amit Mitra, Subhodeep Gupta and Anindya Roy Chaudhuri: |
...for their lists & inputs which were of immense help
 | All My fellow RD fans of the Pancham
Yahoogroup. |
...all 200+ of them, who have contributed in ways more than they
know. This site
is a tribute to the passion we share and the bond we have amongst us.
 | All those whom I've inadvertently left out. |