Nerurkar's Book




A Tribute by 
Nilangshu Haldar


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Rashesh Shah presents


An Anthology of R.D.Burman's Musical Works

Compiled by Viswas Nerurkar

First Published September 1997


This is the most authoritative source of any information required about Rahul Dev Burman, and no true fan can afford to be without it. One must commend Rashesh Shah's foresight in commissioning a work of this kind, and Viswas Nerurkar for giving such a comprehensive shape to Shah's dreams.

This book has many invaluable sections, such as :

bulletArticles on Rahul Dev Burman
bullet"Pancham" by Gulzar
bulletRediscovery of a Legend by Viswas Nerurkar
bulletBeyond the Fifth Note by A Purushottam
bulletThe Complete Composer by Gautam Rajadhyaksha
bulletPrince of the Music World by Gulshan Bawra
bulletComplete Section of his Musical works with details of Year, Banner, Producer, Director, Lyricist, Label, Songs and the singers as applicable.
bullet292 Hindi Films
bullet32  Bengali Films
bullet1 Marathi Film
bullet2 Oriya Films
bullet2 Tamil Films
bullet3 Telegu Films
bullet1 Documentary Film
bullet4 Private Albums
bulletNon-film Bengali songs released as "Puja" songs.
bullet5 Television Serials
bulletShelved Films and Projects
bulletComprehensive Film and Song Index
bulletStatistical Lists of his work chronologically, with various lyricists, singers
bulletPancham and His Musicians
bulletGreat collection of photographs  
Available directly from the Compiler :


Viswas Nerurkar

Viswas Nerurkar
2/15 Kailash Parwat
Gilbert Hill
Near Bhawan's College
Andheri (W)
Mumbai-400 058
Phone : 6243587
Price : INR 550


The book is dedicated to Sachin Dev Burman


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